The Aces Help Page

Welcome! A little back story about how this page came about. My name is "Fugitive", aka "Fugi". I have been playing ACES HIGH since tour 21 (Was MDJOE tour 21-66). There was a page I used a lot, it was called "Aces High Fighter Performance Comparison". Dok Gonzo built it and you could use it to compare fighters in a number of different areas "climb", "ammo", "speed","turn" and so on. It worked for years, but then "Flash" was done away with and that is what generated the graphs. Dok wasnt into the game any more, nor did he remember the code to fix it. He let me have access to the code and with a lot of help its working on on my server HERE. With the information I have saved through the years I hope to add them to this page so things wont "disappear" again.

There are two basic ways players learn this game, "learn by doing", and "learn by study". I'm a "learn by study" type of guy. I could fly the same fight 10 times in a row and make the same mistakes over and over again and never know I was. But from watching films I see my mistakes, or see how I was beat with out the "passion of the fight" getting in the way. This goes for all kinds of information, charts, pdf's, excel spread sheets, what ever helped me learn more and more about the game. I have been flying this game for almost 20 years. In that time I have accumulated a lot of information. My hope is to put it all up here. Too many times you save a link and go back to it to only find it is no longer a good link. I have been saving things for years.

Below are a number of  categories I have broken up the info in. I'm not sure how large this is going to turn out to be but at least we can use these as links to get to the info, be it on this page, or separate pages.




There are two types of maps, the "world map" and the "field maps".  The World map is the main one that comes up as you open the clipboard ("ESC" to open/close  clipboard). You can use the "insert" and "delete" keys to zoom it in and out. Most of these maps are fairly big so very few print them out.

Field maps on the other hand are a different animal. The game comes with a default set of maps (right click the map on the clipboard and select "Clipboard Maps"). The default set gives you the basic layout of the fields, towns, and strats. Some players like to "add" a bit more information. I have two sets. In the game I use "8thJinx" maps.


The hangers and other objects are numbered and color coded to make them a bit easier to find. Some players will add approach vectors for gun attacks or bomb runs to drop hangers. The nice thing about these is the numbering system. It matches the games labeling system. Right click a base on the map and select "XX Down Times" . If it reports FH1 and FH2 is down you know that FH0 is the one you need to hit. Locate it on the map and it makes it much easier to find it and make you run.

The second set I have is one put together by "1ijac".


His set has a legend on the side of the map to help you find what your looking for. You could cut the legend off to get them down to the 512x512 size limitation and be used as in game maps. What makes this set nice is you can print out each map and keep them on hand to use as needed with out opening the clipboard all the time.


This is the layout for a town. It labels all the building so you can check down times, reason out which are still up and groupings for bomb drops (groups of buildings can be dropped with a single bomb due to "splash damage". Knowing which groups with what types of bombs can go a long way in white flagging a town on your own). Clickk on the map to get a larger version to save it. Thanks "Kenai".

Below are both sets in a zip file



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I'm the type of player that learns from watching others, so films are something I use all the time. I film every fight and watch them on the weekend. I trash the ones that don't help me (most films) and save only those that show me something I can use be it something I do, or something my opponent does.

I have added a basic "How to..." for the Aces High film viewer. Click here to see how to use the viewer and how "I" use the film viewer to get the most out of the game.

Over the years I have collect many, many films. A lot of players have kindly sent me films so I can watch the fights from their perspective, or just a number of fights they have saved so that I could see "how" they fly different encounters

Below is a list of films. SOme are films from the MA, others are duels. Some I post may be "training" films. Some are very old and will need AH2 film viewer to view (AH2 in Miscellaneous section) To use the AH2 film viewer, download the AH2 version of the game and install it. Make a desktop icon for the "ahfilm.exe" and label it AH2 film viewer. Open the viewer, then browse to where you have saved the films to open them. Double clipping the films doesn't work because the "association" is linked to the AH3 player and it wont play the AH2 films well.

AH3 Films

100 tank kills
Rocking Tank Fight
Tiger ten kills

7 Kill Run P47M
Patience and E management
P51 vs P47M
P51  3 cons
P51 vs P38J
P51 vs 109G6
P51 vs Nik
Vudak 109F
Vudak 109F

AH2 Films

Agent360 films These are all narrated by Agent360 as he fights.

chase film
rolling scissors
rope film
scissor film
snap roll film
tork roll film
vertical reverse film

Other Films

51luls (awesome 51 flying)
5kills4minutes KI84
film360 KI84
film382 KI84
film383 KI84
film306 KI84

This is a small portion of the films I have. I hope to change them out now and then.

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Here Ill post all I can find about the game as it relates to planes.

VIRTUAL REALITY, Aces High handles VR really well. I don't have a lot of info on it as most is on the Aces High BBS. There are may post about the different headsets and how to set them up. Also many "tricks" are revealed as players use the "head position" setting and hat switches to really maximize your views with out twisting your neck off. Check out "Everything VR" on the Aces High message boards.

For those of you that wear galasses, Fitting them inside your headsets is tough and can cause scratches to the lens both on your glasses as well as in the headset. A company "WidmoVR" makes perscription lens for many of the headsets available.

The one thing I can add here is "Voice Attack" VA is a program you can use the assign tasks to a voice command. When wearing the headset you can have a hard time using a mouse or finding keys on the keyboard. VA allows you to have up to 10 commands in the free version an unlimited in the paid version.

I have added a help page for setting up Voice Attack. You can check it out HERE

Voice Attack ver 1.8.9

TRACK IR Aces High also does Track IR well. It to works WITH the head positioning of the game. Below is and old "setup" document that while uses an older version, still covers the setup procedure very well. It was written by "Mace". Track IR uses "profiles" so that you can have different setups for different games. Below is a zip file containing about a dozen different setup from different players.

Maces Track IR setup

Track IR Profiles

KEY COMMANDS AND DOT COMMANDS In the game there is a default setup of key commands. All of these can be easily changed but the default list is below. Dot commands are commands you can use in the game to perform a number of functions such as ".s Fugitive" would send a <Salute> Fugitive message across the text radio chatter. Below is a list of those commands.

Key Commands Default list

Dot commands

STICK SETUPS. Aces High will take pretty much ANY joystick. If windows can see it, it will work. The configurations are endless in both button assignment and scaling. Below are drawings of a few different sticks and throttles that can be printed out and you can write in what each button on your stick is set to. It makes for a great "quick access" view to keep on hand until you settle in on your configuration and start remembering it.


CH controller

Thrustmaster TM16000

X55 Controller

X55 Throttle

GUNNERY. The magic of getting hits on other planes! One of the first things most people have trouble with in the game is getting hits. Understanding how to aim is very important. Below are a number of publications on learning how to get hits in real life, which actually works very well in the game.

Bag the HUN

Fighter Pilot Gunnery

Get that fighter Training book

Horrido English translation

Sights and shooting

These I got from ACK-ACK,

Air To Air Gunnery

Energy Management

TACTICS. Below is a txt page written by "Mountainman" where he discribes how he tries to "trap" a player into a position where he can shoot him down.

Mountainman text

Also, here is an old write up by "DREX". He explains an engagement where an energy fighter (P38) bounces a turner (Spit). While its old, it still holds up.

Drex Fighter Engagement doc


This page was made up by "Lusche". It is all the WEP (War Emergence Power) settings for all the planes that can use WEP. Thanks "Kenai" for finding and sending it to me.


This is a webpage built by "Mongoose", its called "New Pilots Start Here!" The original is still up (link in title), but I have saved it here because its good work and I'd hate to see it disappear.

NewPilots Start Here!


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Basic operation of the task groups are covered pretty well on the HTC web site HERE. I have a couple write ups on how to destroy them.

Torpedoes in Aces High

I also have "Fork's Ships Gunnery Table Printing out and using this table will help you with aiming and ranging the guns.

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First up is a picture on how to aim in an "Ostwind. Click on the picture for a larger size. Pretty much self explanatory.


I dont remember who posted these, but is the way they set up their controls for GVing. There are 6 screen shots (camera photos actually) Click on the picture for a zip file of all 6.


Next are aiming/ranging aids I have found. I dont know who sent these to me, but I've had them for years. If the "maker" of these files comes forward I'll gladly give them the credit they deserve. Owner Found! Many thanks for the time and effort of putting these great tools together to Jason "Bud Grey" Bennett.

The first is a Pnz site chart. You ID the tank your looking at, see how many "mils" the tank takes up in your site, then use the chart to see how far the tank is away.

The second is Tank Refence sheet. It gives you details on each tank.

The last is a damage chart of what each round in AH does for damage.

spacers mil_radian



Here is another range chart, this one from "Kenai" His gives the site messurment in "mils" and the left column gives you an approximent range.

spacerKenai Range Chart

Click on images for a "pdf" file of each.

Zheriz Ziess Sight Guide is a pdf file that explains how the german tank sites are used. What the "triangles" mean and how to use them to range other tanks. It is a bit hard to understand on the first read through ( took me a dozen of so to figure it out), but dont give up. This is the core of learning to rangetargets in the game.

BBS links

Below are links to the Aces High BBS. I havnt saved these to this site as the only time they should disappear is if the game closes and well ..... we wont need them then :)

Basic Tanking 101 is a write-up by Cjpedrido. Its a basic info page going over well the basics of GVing in Aces High. A number of other well known GV kings chime in as well for a great starting point in the game of Ground Vehicles.

GV Training, Tips, and Tricks. We had a discussion going about GVing and it got out of hand and got closed. I got the OK to open a new thread and asked questions and got a lot of answers starting with 8thJinx

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Here Im going to stick all kinds of stuff that I couldn't figure out a clear spot to put them. BBS links to good topics to other files I find or sites I find.

Fighter Comparison Page

First off, the reason that I started this page, The Aces High Fighter Comparison Page. Its still not complete, hopefully I'll find time to add to it this winter, but its back and it works.

Fighter Tactics

A BBS link to a fighter training page called "Which way do I turn?" A write-up by "dtango", one of the best pony drivers to play the game. The original was posted to his squad 412th, and discribes how to fight and decide which type of fighting your doing "Nose to Nose" fighting or "Nose to Tail" circle fighting.

A write-up on the P47s called "P-47 Guide" writen by "fyvsix". It was written a while back but the information is still good.

Possible "Head to Head" setup

Brook P. Anderson built a site for getting started in Aces High. One of the things he goes over is how to play "Head to Head" . AH2 had a H2H feature where you could link some computers and play head to head. In the write-up he mentions Aces High ver2.0 patch 1. The oldest version I have is Aces High ver2.124 It may work, but it may not, but here it is. I hope to add his whole site to mine so it isnt lost.

AH2 was my favorite, but I may just be nostalgic for the "good old days". Here is a copy of AH2

AH2 Ver 2.32 patch2

Bomber Tactics

Here is the HTC page on Level Bombing Technics. Not only does it give you the basics on "how" to load, approach, and drop on different targets in Aces High, but the most important thing in the link is the chart that shows how much bomb/damage it takes to take down a target, and how long its down for, wheather or not it can be resupplied and so on.

A squad in the game, "The 918th Bomb Group-H" has a site they puttogether with a lot of information on bombing as well.


"Lusche", our resident statistician created a thead with a ton of Stats from the game. Plane usage, vehicle usage, kills per plane and so on. He has updated it a few times. If you like looking at numbers of the game, "Lusche's AH Stats MegaThread" is the place to go.

Video Settings

Field of View (FOV) is a setting that can be a very personnel to a player. How much is in your view as you look around. When AH was first out the default view was different than the default veiws we have now. Most players say "106" bring you back to the AH1 FOV. (the change was to help new players see the gauges in the default field) There is what some players call a "Natural" FOV and there is a formula to set it up for that natural FOV.

FOV setup

SweetFX is an add on program to enhance your graphics in the game, or any game for that matter.

Game Editors

"Easyscor" created a windows document on how to use the terrain editor in the game. For those interested in building your own terrain for Aces High, the "Terrain Editor Documentation" by "Easyscor is a great place to start.

To go along with building terrains, there is making skins for the planes and vehicles. "Greebo" wrote a great thread called "P-38 Skin Build Log" Its a start to finish write-up on how "Greebo" ..... who has done most of the skins in the game... goes about skinning a plane.

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